Contributions of PPILOW partners to the dissemination of the project outputs
– by Anne Collin (INRAE)
The PPILOW partners have presented the outputs of the project in several scientific and professional events this summer. Especially we can mention:
- Two communications in a specific session of European Association of European Economists 2021, XVI EAAE Congress, July 20-23, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic (2020 postponed). They reviewed on the one hand “European pig and poultry Productions systems and marketing labels elaborating animal welfare”, and proposed on the other hand an economic comparison of laying hens’ husbandry systems on Different Animal Welfare Levels.
- Two communications and a workshop at the Organic World Congress OWC 2021, 20th Organic World Congress, 6-10 September 2021 in Rennes, France (2020 postponed). These communications presented the PPILOW project multiactor approach and reviewed the barriers to welfare and levers for improvement in pig and poultry organic production systems. The PPILOW partners AIAB and INRAE also moderated a workshop entitled “How to improve poultry and pig welfare in organic production systems?” In this session were invited Monique Bestman from the Louis Bolk Institute and Christine Leeb from the University of Natural Resources and Life Science Vienna who presented Challenges for pig and poultry organic production systems for improving welfare on a scientific and practical point of view. After a short presentation of the PPILOW project, an Interactive demonstration of the functionalities of welfare self-assessment tools for improving animal welfare on-farm in organic and outdoor systems was proposed by ILVO. This communication was followed by a World Café moderated by AIAB on “What will be the impacts of the new regulations for advancing on animal welfare for pig and poultry organic systems and practitioners”, with the participation of a pig farmer (Jacopo Goracci, Tenuta di Paganico farm, Italy) and a poultry farmer (IJsbrand Snoeij, ‘t Paradijs farm, The Netherlands) currently contributing to PPILOW National Practitioner Groups, and ITAB.
We are grateful to all the contributors for their great involvement to this workshop!
- The two applications EBENE® and PIGLOW respectively extended and co-built with practitioners within the PPILOW project were also presented at the last WAFL 8th International Conference on the assessment of Animal Welfare at farm and group level, 16th-19th August 2021, Cork, Ireland (2020 postponed)
- Finally, the PPILOW project approach, especially for evaluation the levers of welfare improvement in accordance with the One Welfare concept was presented by the project partners at the One Welfare World Conference, 15-16 of September 2021.
Additionally to these communications in international conferences, the PPILOW partners participated to national scientific congresses and professional events.