NPG meetings

In the first months of the project nine NPGs were set up:

  • Five for poultry: AIAB and UNIPG (Italy), INRA and ACTA (France),  Bioforum (Belgium) and UU (The Netherlands), TI-BW (Germany),  AU (Denmark).
  • Four for pigs: AIAB (Italy), ACTA (France),  Bioforum and CRAW (Belgium), USAMV (Romania).

NPGs meetings:


  1. ITAB, IFIP and INRAE: meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 9th June 2023 in Saint Pierre d’Amilly and online (France). Audience: 20. Presentation: “Elevage de souches à double fin en ferme”.
  2. Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 5th online meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 20th July 2022 in Germany, at the farm of one NPG members. Audience: 6 (farmers and others). Results: Conducting the deck card method, update about the on-farm trial in Task 5.2, open discussion about the feeding of dual-purpose layin hens.
  3. Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 4th online meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 2nd March 2022. Audience: 6 (farmers and others). Results: Updates from the on-farm trial of Task 5.2 that is running on the farm of one of the NPG members, update from the on-station trial of Task 5.1 running at Thünen Institute, presentation of the offer of Fermentation Experts, updates from Tasks 6.3 and 6.1, open discussion about the end of the culling of male layer chicks in Germany.
  4. Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 3rd meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group (second part) on 20th July 2021 in Westerau (Germany). Audience: 11 (farmers and others). Results: Visit of the experiment of Task 5.1 and discussion of the “ideal” dual-purpose genotype for Germany, discussion about 100% organic feeding.
  5. Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 3rd meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group (first part) on 21st June 2021 in Westerau (Germany). Audience: 9 (farmers and others). Results: Visit of the experiment of Task 5.1 and discussion of the “ideal” dual-purpose genotype for Germany.
  6. Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 2nd online meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 21st October 2020. Audience: 9 (farmers and others). Results: Feedback to barriers and levers, discussion of collection of economic data, update of experimental work in PPILOW.
  7. UNIPG, AIAB, SLOWFOOD: 1st online meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 20th July 2020. Audience: 13 (representing consumers, advisers of production organizations, feed companies, veterinarians, organic egg producers, organic broiler producers, organic specialized retailers, caterings, certifier in the organic sector). Results: feedback about the main obstacles about animal welfare and levers.
  8. BioForum: 1st meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 9th March 2020 in Geel and Pittem (Belgium). Audience: 35 (farmers, feed producers, veterinarians, researchers). Results: discussion of most important welfare issues, discussion of welfare app.
  9. Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 1st meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 25th February 2020 in Westerau (Germany). Audience: 11 (farmers and others). Results: information about PPILOW, discussion about dual-purpose chicken genotypes, feedback for developers of EBENE app.
  10. UU: 1st meeting of the Dutch PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 18th February 2020 in Utrecht (The Netherlands). Audience: 5 (professionals from the poultry sector: vet, egg trading company, researcher). Results: validation of the tool for welfare assessment in laying hens.
  11. AU: 1st meeting of the Danish PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 18th February 2020 in Foulum (Denmark). Audience: 10 (Poultry professionals being organic egg producers, a feed company (DLG), an egg packaging company (DanÆg), an advisory institution (SEGES) and a company that breeds and sells organic pullets and organic broilers (TopÆg). Results: introduction to the NPG layer group under PPILOW. Opinions on issues and levers for welfare improvement in organic or outdoor poultry farms and on poultry welfare self-assessment tool was discussed.
  12. ACTA (ITAB and ITAVI), INRAE, SYSAAF, YNCREA HDS: 1st meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 12th February 2020 in Angers (France). Audience: 17 (Poultry professionals, association members and PPILOW partners). Results: opinions on issues and levers for welfare improvement in organic or outdoor poultry farms and on poultry welfare self-assessment tool.

1st meeting of the French PPILOW NPG










  1. ITAB, IFIP and INRAE: meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 16th May 2023 in Limoges and online (France). Audience: 15. Presentation: “Utilisation des fourrages dans l’alimentation des porcs : exemple dupâturage”.
  2. ITAB, IFIP and INRAE: meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 24th October 2022 in Poitiers and online (France). Audience: 20. Presentation: “Elevage de porcs mâles non castrés”.
  3. AU, VANGAARD, INRAE: online meeting in France of PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 22nd June 2021. Audience: 20 (industry, policy makers, customers and researchers). Results: workshop, power point and video film on outdoor pig rearing facilities (French with UK subtext translation).
  4. USAMV: 1st meeting of the Romanian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 6th March 2020 in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Audience: 16 (decision makers from the pork food chain, animal and environment protection, professional in raising swine, farmers). Results: points of view on possibilities and levers to improve animal health and welfare in low input or outdoor pig farms; opinions on pig welfare self-assessment tool; potential legislative levers for welfare improvement.
  5. CRA-W: 1st meeting of the Belgian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 10th February 2020 in Gembloux (Belgium). Audience: 15 (scientific community, industry, civil society, policy makers). Results: presentation of the PPILOW project and creation of a group of practitioners meeting twice a year all along the project duration. Participants gave feedback on specific activities and topics of the PPILOW project, thereby contributing to the adequacy between PPILOW activities and the production chain expectations.
  6. BioForum, ILVO: 1st meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 15th January 2020 in Ruiselede (Belgium). Audience: 20 (farmers, feed producers, veterinarians, researchers). Results: discussion of most important welfare issues, discussion of welfare app.

1st meeting of the Romanian PPILOW NPG