National Workshops


  1. Italian National Workshop “Organic poultry farming without synthetic products: a challenge to catch” in Rome (Italy, 31st May 2024) organised by AIAB and UNIPG. UNIPG presentation: “One welfare: criticità e potenzialità”. Read more.
  2. Danish National Workshop “Free-range keeping of sows” in Brønderslev (Denmark, 22nd -23rd April 2024) organised by AU and Vangaard. ITAB presentation: “Results of the trials on French farms”. SlowFood oral presentation of the sow huts prototype test results. Video of the workshop. Read more.
  3. French National Workshop, Webinar on entire male pigs in organic production (11th March 2024). ITAB, INRAE and IFIP Video Webinar Youtube.
  4. German National Workshop in Bonn (Germany, 27th -29th February 2024) organised by Thuenen during the 28thBioland Geflügeltagung 2024. Presentation: 1) “PPILOW Zweinutzungshühner:Ergebnisse des Stationsversuches, des Praxiseinsatzes sowie die ökonomische Bewertung” (Thuenen);  2) “Verbesserungder Weidenutzungvon Masthühnern” (INRAE); 3) “Auslaufnutzung und Greifvogelverluste von Junghähnen in Hecke und KUP” (Thuenen); ); 4) “Einsatz von Licht & Larven zur Vermeidung von Ängstlichkeit und Federpicken bei Legehennen” (UU); 5) “Wurmbefall bei Legenhennen – Alternative Lösnungsansätse für ein altes Problem” (AU). Here the programme. Read more.


  1. Romanian National Workshop “Phytotherapeutic remedies used in swine low input farms, their antiparasitic and antibacterial efficacy” in Cluj Napoca (Romania, 15th September 2023). The workshop was addressed to young farmers and agricultural consultants. Presentations: 1) “The antiparasitic efficacy of some medicinal and aromatic plants found in the flora of Romania against naturally occurring digestive parasites of swine”; 2) “Improved piglet/sow feeding methodology using herbal supplements to limit microbial infectious load”. Read more.
  2. Dutch National Workshop “Dubbeldoelsympsoium: kip (m/v) met toekomstperspectief?” in Kootwijkerbroek (The Netherlands, 1st June 2023). UU presentation: Eenmulti-actor benaderingvoor het verbeterenvan dierenwelzijnin vrijeuitloop-en biologischesystemenvoor varkensen pluimvee”.


  1. Belgian National Workshop in Dorinne (Belgium, 22nd December 2022) organised by CRA-W and BioForum. Here the programme.