Policy Workshops
- PPILOW stakeholder workshop examined business opportunities Helsinki EU Office in Brussels (Belgium, 7th March 2024). LUKE, Thuenen, INRAE participation. INRAE presentation: “General presentation of the PPILOW project”. Read more.
- Eurogroup for Animals meeting online (22nd February 2024). Presentations: 1) “Innovations for improving welfare in low-input outdoor and organic pig and poultry farms” (INRAE); 2) “PIGLOW and EBENE: Development and on farm testing of apps for animal welfare self-assessments” (ILVO); 3) “How to avoid feather pecking in non-beak-trimmed hens?” (UU); 4) “Evaluation of performance and economy of dual-purpose genotypes as an alternative to the elimination of one-day old male layer chicks” (SYSAAF and Thuenen Institute); 5) “Improving the robustness of laying hens and piglets against parasitic and bacterial infections” (USAMV): 6) “WP2 Multi-actor group facilitation and change management” (AIAB); 7) “Issues and levers for welfare improvements in low input outdoor and organic pig and poultry production” (LUKE) . Read more.