PPILOW Italian meeting “Innovative strategies to promote the welfare and products quality of extensive chickens: environmental enrichment and role of genetic strain”
– by Cesare Castellini (UNIPG)
The Italian preliminary-PPILOW meeting will be held on 15 December 2021 at OSCARD BUSINESS CENTER BOLOGNA, SALA XL, Spazio Business Center, via Boldrini 18/A, Bologna. The meeting will propose innovative strategies to improve the welfare of chickens reared in extensive systems provided or not with environmental enrichments. Furthermore, a focus on behaviours, productive performance, physiology and carcass and meat characteristics of slow growing chicken strains will be done. During the meeting the PPILOW poultry National Practitioner Groups will be also involved in order to share with them the first results of the project and to collect their feedback. For more details and the program read the flyer. To register please fill the form.