PPILOW’s People: Simona Mattioli!

I’m Simona Mattioli, I was born in 1986 in San Benedetto del Tronto-Italy. I graduated in Biology at the University of Perugia (Italy) in 2010. After the PhD period carried out at Insubria University (Varese, Italy; 2014) on Avian Biodiversity, I became full researcher at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences of the University of Perugia in 2020. My main scientific activities are in the rabbit, poultry and fish sector with particular attention to the impact of alternative rearing system on animal physiological status and reproductive, such as on quality of products. The main research activity within PPILOW project is the study of extensive and organic farming systems in poultry (WP6) throughout a “One Welfare” approach (animal behavioural, health status, metabolic responce, products quality).