Proposal for a PhD position at INRAE!

A proposal for a PhD thesis (2021-24) is available at INRAE, on the « Diversity of feeding practices in organic pig production and consequences on the variability of the quality of pork and products (QuAliBio) ». The thesis is funded by INRAE – metaprogram METABIO (50%) and regional public funds (50%) and will be directed by Bénédicte Lebret (INRAE) and Lucile Montagne (L’Institut Agro Agrocampus Ouest) at UMR PEGASE (35, Saint-Gilles- Rennes).

The project aims at evaluating the consequences of various feeding practices in organic pig production on various dimensions of intrinsic (sensory, nutritional value, technological) and extrinsic (environmental impacts, animal welfare) quality of pork. It will combine complementary approaches with a systemic mapping associated with a construction/evaluation of scenarios and an animal experimentation with product analysis.

 The detailed project is available on the website of the Doctoral School EGAAL> PEGASE

For further information please contact:  Lucile Montagne (Lucile.Montagne@Agrocampus-Ouest.Fr) and Bénédicte Lebret (

Applications must be submitted only on the website of the Doctoral School EGAAL (above) and by 30 June 2021.