First wave of PPILOW EIP Practice Abstracts

– by Léa Tourner (ACTA)

Deliverable D8.3 “First wave of EIP Practice abstracts”  has been submitted to the European Commission in February 2022. This deliverable is the compilation of best practice abstracts that highlight farm and research led innovations which demonstrate ways to improve the welfare of poultry and pigs reared in organic and low-input outdoor farming systems. The practices covered in these abstracts have been identified via the Executive Committee, through state-of-the-art reviews and first results analysis. The abstracts cover areas of interest for end-users, describing main information/recommendations/practices that can be used in their daily practice. This mid-term achievement delivers 12 best practice abstracts and are written using the standard EIP Agri format. They are hosted both on the PPILOW project website on a more appealing format, called Factsheets and the EIP Agri website. The 12 Factsheets (+ 4 bonus Factsheets that will be delivered to the EIP-Agri platform and to the European Commission on a later stage) reflect a range of combination of practical solutions for welfare improvement that can be applied on a pan-European basis. Some practices can offer cross-sectorial, or cross-country learning opportunities.