Italian PPILOW partners: meeting on animal welfare!
– by Raffaella Ponzio (Slow Food)
A farm where the welfare of the animals and the humans rearing them is guaranteed, where the environment is healthy and the ecosystem is in balance is possible. Veterinarians, zootechnicians and breeders of laying hens in extensive farming spoke about this last month at a meeting organised by Veterinarians Without Borders VSF – Italy, Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity and the University of Perugia. Thus was born in Malborghetto the network of Slow Food poultry farmers, committed to raising their animals with respect and in a One Welfare perspective. In the coming months they will work on a manifesto. We will meet them again at Cheese 2023, from 15 to 18 September in Bra. You can read more here!
All pictures credit Olivier Migliore.