2.2.3 – Connection with WP3-7 – feedbacks on innovations

Interaction between WP3, WP7 and WP2 took place from the very start.

The two self-assessment tools PIGLOW and EBENE®, developed or extended in Task 3.1 during the first 12 months of the project, were presented and/or tested by all National Practitioner Groups (NPGs) once the translations were made available in the partners languages allowing discussion and feedbacks (for further information please see Box 3.1 – Animal welfare self-assessment tools).

In Task 3.3 a specific methodology was adopted (Deck card method by Figure and Roy, 2002) to collect feedbacks on the multicriteria analysis to improve animal welfare based on the four sustainability dimensions (Economic, Environmental, Animal Welfare-Ethics, Social) and to collect other relevant information (for further information please see Box 3.3 – MCDA conceptual framework).

Task 2.2 was carried out to provide a “Monitoring framework and data collection – sharing scientific approach”. This activity led by INRAE was propaedeutic to the co-creation of innovations and to gather with practitioners the relevant information to assess the impacts of the levers of welfare improvement tested.

Partners of WP3 task 3.3, “Building shared tools for sustainability assessment and business model” led by UNIPG (Italy), pre-designed a tool for assessing the sustainability of the levers tested in PPILOW according to the One Welfare concept (Pinillios et al., 2016) and for building business models (for further information please see Box 3.3 – MCDA conceptual framework). This data collection framework enabled to gather, during experimental and field studies, all the indicators necessary to fill the grids feeding later multicriteria analyses and business models in Work package 7 “Multi-criteria and economic evaluation of the proposed technical innovations and rearing strategies complying with a higher welfare level” led by Thuenen Institute (Germany).