Alternatives to the elimination of layer male chicks

The PPILOW project aims to propose innovations to improve the welfare of pigs and poultry in low-input and organic production systems. The project studies solutions for tackling ethical issues such as the culling of layer male chicks. Indeed, in egg production, day-old male chicks are usually culled after hatching because of their low growth potential and meat quality, only female chicks being reared. This ethically questionable practice has caused increasing public concern. In France and Germany, this practice has been banned since January 1st, 2023 for France and January 1st of 2022 in Germany. Two alternatives to the culling were explored in the PPILOW project: One is the in-ovo sexing, and the other is the use of dual-purpose strains. One of the PPILOW project’s objectives was to characterize dual-purpose breeds in terms of behavior, health status and performance. Another one consists in developing a new early, non-invasive ovo-sexing method to sex embryos.