Multi-criteria and economic evaluation of technical innovations and rearing strategies complying with a higher welfare level
WP7 aims at building multicriteria analyses and proposing business models for the use of the levers of welfare improvements proposed and tested within the project in low-input outdoor and organic farming systems. In particular, practices related to poultry and pig species were economically evaluated to identify the economic viability and feasibility of the proposed welfare strategies. Only an economically viable welfare strategy will prevail in the market.
WP7 has two objectives:
- The evaluation of the sustainability in compliance with the One Welfare Concept for each type of production (broilers, eggs, pigs), considering the different strategies analysed (WP4 to 6). Multi-criteria analysis was used to select the most promising solutions, according to the vision of farmers, consumers and scientists engaged in the study.
- To build more advanced business and economic models for the most promising solutions identified with the multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), in order to identify the economic viability and feasibility of the proposed strategies and its influences to the whole production chain of each type of production (broilers, eggs, pigs).