New people in PPILOW project: Claire Bonnefous, Arthur Simoni, Vitor Ferreira

Claire Bonnefous (INRAE Research engineer)

After completing her agronomic engineering degree, Claire started working for INRAE on the PPILOW project. Dedicated to the identification of barriers and levers to animal welfare, she is taking part in the first task of the project (T1.1) to reference the main behavioural and health issues in outdoor and organic systems for broilers, laying hens and pig. To do so, Claire is not only looking through peer-reviewed articles but also conducting interviews in order to gather state-of-the-art information regarding current practices in these production systems. As her supervisor, Christine Leterrier, is the task leader of T1.1, coordination of the T1.1 is a consistent part of her work.


Arthur Simoni (Yncrea Hauts de France, Research engineer)

Arthur Simoni studied first veterinary medicine in a bachelor, completed by a master in Applied Ethology at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2017-2019). Currently working at Yncréa Hauts-de-France (CASE research group) on Work Package 6.1 regarding free-ranging broiler chicken behavior and cognition in collaboration with INRAE Magneraud (France) and INRAE Val de Loire (France).


Vitor Ferreira (Yncrea Hauts de France, Ph.D. student)

Vitor Ferreira is currently a Ph.D. student at Yncréa Hauts-de-France (CASE research group) under the supervision of Dr. Vanessa Guesdon (Yncréa Hauts-de-France) and Dr. Ludovic Calandreau (INRAE Val de Loire). Vitor has a bachelor’s degree in Animal Sciences (UFRA, Brazil) and a master’s degree in Psychobiology – Animal Behavior (UFRN, Brazil). Vitor’s doctoral research focuses on free-ranging broiler chicken behavior and cognition. Part of his experiments is included and funded by PPILOW Work Package 6.1, in collaboration with INRAE Magneraud (France) and INRAE Nouzilly (France).