NPG meetings
- UNIPG, AIAB, SlowFood/VSF: 5th meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 21st June 2024 in Talmassons (Italy). Audience: 4 technicians, 4 breeders, 1 breeder association, civil society. Results: Presentation of the main results of the PPILOW project and analysis of critical points and solutions for animal welfare in organic and extensive poultry farming; Presentation of the PPILOW study on the issues of reconciling biosecurity and animal welfare in organic outdoor systems. Innovations and practical example in designing organic poultry systems.
- AU: 8th meeting of the Danish PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 2nd May 2024 in Gothenburg (Sweden). Audience: egg producers, stakeholders and practitioners. Final results from the on-farm trials with genotype C males were discussed, focusing on implementation possibilities and barriers. It was noted that genotype C males were active, but the production period was lengthy. An analysis of country x environment interactions showed significant effects on production parameters. The importance of rearing conditions was emphasized, suggesting that rearing pullets on the farm could be advantageous. The Deck card method conclusions, a consumer survey, economic considerations, and a business model for the poultry value chain were also presented. Lastly, a biosecurity questionnaire was introduced, summarizing final activities in WP6.3.
- BioForum: 7th online meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on May 2024. Audience: organic farmers and advisors. Results: Presentation of the main results of the PPILOW project for poultry. Presentation of a new catching method, that can be applied during depopulation, as a potential new lever to promote animal welfare, and discussion about the research. Discussion on the positive impact of outdoor access for the wellbeing and health of laying hens and environmental impact of poultry in outdoor areas.
- ITAB, INRAE, SYSAAF, ITAVI and Thuenen: 10th meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 12th April 2024 in Les Sables d’Olonne (France). Audience: 12 (farmers and others). Results: Tour of the farm on biosecurity; presentation on the development of business models; presentation of the results of the deck card method and the multicriteria analysis.
- Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 8th meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 29th January 2024 in Biohof Ahlers, Germany. Audience: 14 (farmers and others). Results: Tour of the farm with focus on parent flock and hatchery; information on on-farm hatching; presentation on the development of business models; presentation of the results of the deck card method and the multicriteria analysis.
- Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 7th meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 30th June 2023 in Heidegeflügel, Germany. Audience: 10 (farmers and others). Results: Tour of the farm with focus on rearing conditions of genotype B and C (for Task 5.2) and closer look at plumage condition; focus of breeding activities of the farm; introduction of partner farm to try on-farm hatching as implementing innovation with report on an excursion to the farm; final results of economic evaluation of on-station trials of Task 5.1.
- AU: 7th meeting of the Danish PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 15th June 2023 in Gothenburg (Sweden). Audience: egg producers and practitioners. This meeting was held at a farm where genotype C males were tested for meat production. The dual-purpose concept aims to use hens for both egg and meat production and males for meat. Genotype C was chosen for further testing due to its promising results. Planning for WP6.3. trials were discussed, with experiments on grain preserved with propionic acid to reduce worm infestations. Results from the Deck card method was presented, showing a focus on Animal and Economic pillars across different countries.
- ITAB, IFIP and INRAE: 9th meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 9th June 2023 in Saint Pierre d’Amilly and online (France). Audience: 8 representatives of poultry organic and label-type poultry production, and 6 PPILOW partners. Presentation: “Elevage de souches à double fin en ferme”. Results: about the latest advances on the experiments with a specific focus on topics of interest for the group (results of experiments with dual-purpose breeds, first data on on-farm hatching in PPILOW and other projects, data collected on chicken exploratory behaviour in PPILOW…).
- AU: 6th meeting of the Danish PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 7th February 2023 in Denmark. Audience: egg producers and practitioners. Results from the on-farm trial with genotype A and C females were validated, showing genotype C had the best performance but was prone to feather pecking, which started during rearing. Genotype A had lower but stable egg production and no feather pecking issues. Individual meetings since the last gathering focused on weighting criteria under the one-welfare dimensions for sustainability pillars. The Animal welfare criteria were prioritized, with economic performance also important.
- Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 6th online meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 24th January 2023. Audience: 8 (farmers and others). Results: Information on the offer to try fermented rape seed cake as implementing innovation; update of the on-station trials of Task 5.1; discussion about the economic evaluation of the on-station trials of Task 5.1; introduction of the partner farm of Task 5.2.
- BioForum: 6th meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 26th October 2022 in Belgium. Audience: 18 (12 farmers, 1 breeder, 5 researchers and one feeding advisor). Results: discussion with a nutritionist about the different compounds of the feed, the dietary requirements during the different life stages of the hens, the consequences of inadequate nutrition, and the use of alternative protein sources in organic hen feed. Presentation of the first results from the PPILOW project relating to the MCA. Discussion on testing the FEXP feed.
- UNIPG, AIAB, SlowFood/VSF: 4th meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 22nd September 2022 in Torino – Terra Madre Salone del Gusto (Italy). Audience: farmers, advisers, researchers, and civil society. Results: Presentation of the PPILOW project in connection with other research projects on meat poultry quality. Discussion of the results of the ranking of Multi-Criteria Assessment (tasks 3.3 and 7.1-7.2).
- Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 5th meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 20th July 2022 in Gut Rothenhausen (Germany). Audience: 10 (farmers and others). Results: Updates from the on-farm trial of Task 5.2 on males of GT C, that is running at the farm of one of the NPG members; deck card method to weigh different criteria for the multi-criteria analysis; poster presentation on feeding of dual-purpose poultry; report on a choice feeding experiment that was conducted at Thünen; update on the on-station trials of Task 5.1; presentation of the feeding regime of poultry at Gut Rothenhausen; analysis of the price increases of inputs due to the war in Ukraine.
- INRAE: 8th meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group in Nouzilly and online on 22nd June 2022 (France). Audience: in person 3 NPG members (welfare association, retailer, production engineer) and 5 PPILOW partners; online 8 representatives of poultry organic and label-type poultry production and 1 PPILOW partner. Results: NPG members being involved in completing the ranking of criteria for multi-criteria assessment in relation to tasks 3.3 and 7.1-7.2; presentation and discussion of PPILOW activities in WP5.3 and WP4, and current field studies design and results (WP6.2 and WP5.2).
- BioForum: 5th meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 28th March 2022 in Belgium. Audience: 12 (farmers). Results: discussion about how to tackle the rising feed prices, low egg prices and how to promote organic eggs.
- AU: 5th meeting of the Danish PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 15th March 2022 at Aarhus University. Audience: egg producers and practitioners. A summary of WP5.1. experiments with females and males was presented, with a focus on egg and meat quality parameters. It was reaffirmed that testing both A and C females was a good decision. The farmer would receive the A and C pullets on April 6, 2022, and feeding strategies were discussed. The meeting also featured a presentation on multicriteria analysis (MCA), which allows criteria to be weighted according to their relative importance.
- Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 4th online meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 2nd March 2022. Audience: 6 (farmers and others). Results: Updates from the on-farm trial of Task 5.2 that is running on the farm of one of the NPG members, update from the on-station trial of Task 5.1 running at Thünen Institute, presentation of the offer of Fermentation Experts, updates from Tasks 6.3 and 6.1, open discussion about the end of the culling of male layer chicks in Germany.
- UNIPG, AIAB: 3rd meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 15th December 2021 in Bologna (Italy). Audience: 25 (Farmers, poultry companies, feeding companies and others). Results: Presentation of PPILOW preliminary data and explanation of criteria for evaluation of chicken adaptability to extensive rearing systems.
- INRAE: 7th meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group in Nouzilly and online on 15th December 2021 (France). Audience: 9 farmers and stakeholders representing different low-input system (free-range, organic, Label Rouge) and 7 PPILOW partners Results: discussion on the results on the use of Dual-purpose males in experimental facilities in France (task 5.1) and of females in Germany and Denmark in the same task, the modalities of implementation of the farm trials with females and males in France in T5.2 and the planning of WP6.2 on-farm hatching trial of Spring 2022 in a small organic farm. Discussion on the results of range use following WP6.1 trial in France on several breeds.
- BioForum: 4th meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 24th November 2021 in Belgium. Audience: 28 (15 farmers, 5 egg packing stations, 4 feed producers, 3 breeding companies, 1 retailer). Results: discussion about the difficulties that the organic layer sector is currently facing: the new organic regulation, the high feed and energy prices and the increasing expectations from consumers and retailers (especially concerning the killing of the one-day-old chicks). Report on the experiments of the PPILOW project and presentation of the Deck Card method. NPG members involved in completing the ranking of the multi-criteria assessment in relation to tasks 3.3 and 7.1-7.2.
- AU: 4th online meeting of the Danish PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 1st September 2021. Audience: egg producers and practitioners. Decision on genotypes to be tested, A and C, in the Danish on-farm study. The timing of this meeting was crucial for informing the French partner about the hatching and rearing plans. Additional results from on-station experiments were presented, and the group emphasized that pullets should be reared under organic conditions in France. The vaccination program for the pullets was also discussed.
- Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 3rd meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group (second part) on 20th July 2021 in Westerau (Germany). Audience: 11 (farmers and others). Results: Visit of the experiment of Task 5.1 and discussion of the “ideal” dual-purpose genotype for Germany, discussion about 100% organic feeding.
- BioForum: 3rd meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 7th and 8th July 2021 in Belgium. Audience: 16 (8 farmers, 1 veterinarian, 2 breeders, 2 representatives from egg packing stations, and 3 scientists). Results: discussion about the new organic regulations and potential difficulties related to be discussed with Flemish policy makers. Updates on the PPILOW project.
- INRAE: 6th online meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 29th June 2021. Audience: 5 farmers and stakeholders representing different low-input system (free-range, organic, Label Rouge), and 9 PPILOW partners. Results: to discuss the choice of farm(s) in which trials will be conducted within the framework of PPILOW (task 6.2), the modalities of implementation of this trial.
- Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 3rd meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group (first part) on 21st June 2021 in Westerau (Germany). Audience: 9 (farmers and others). Results: Visit of the experiment of Task 5.1 and discussion of the “ideal” dual-purpose genotype for Germany.
- INRAE: 5th online meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 17th June 2021. Audience: 11 farmers and stakeholders representing different low-input system (free-range, organic, Label Rouge), hatcheries and AW association, and 9 PPILOW partners. Results: Presentation of results of T5.1 on dual-purpose breeds and discussion about candidate farms for 5.2 in France and experimental design.
- AU: 3rd online meeting of the Danish PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 15th June 2021. Audience: 11 (egg producers and practitioners). This meeting reviewed the status and results from WP5.1. experiments with dual-purpose genotypes in Denmark, Germany, and France. Discussions included performance, welfare, and egg and meat quality to identify promising genotypes for on-farm trials. Genotype C was noted for high egg production, while genotype A was highlighted for high egg quality. The group was informed that pullets for on-farm trials in Denmark, Germany, and France would be reared in France. Updates on WP6.3. experiments to reduce intestinal worm infections in layers were also provided, with on-farm tests planned for 2022.
- INRAE: 4th online meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 4th February 2021. Audience: 10 farmers and stakeholders representing different low-input system (free-range, organic, Label Rouge), and 5 PPILOW partners. Results: discussion about results on range use and robustness in broilers from results of T6.1 in France and Italy, about health and resilience concerning T6.2 experimental design (on-farm hatching) and economic evaluations from T1.4.
- AU: 2nd online meeting of the Danish PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 16th December 2020. Audience: 9 (egg producers and practitioners). Presentation of task WP5.1. Results from the layer experiment, covering performance, welfare, and initial egg quality measures. The first WP6.3. highlighting the need for alternatives to chemical worm treatments. Task 4.1. green light and living larvae feeding identified as promising solutions to reduce feather pecking. application of larvae in outdoor areas potentially problematic for Danish authorities. WP1.1. presented barriers and levers. WP3.3. underscored the importance of the Animal pillar in the One-Welfare perspective
- BioForum: 2nd meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 8th December 2020. Audience: 4 farmers, 2 breeders, 1 advisor, and 3 scientists. Results: presentation of the results of a Flemish project on design of the outdoors area for chickens; exchanges about data collected during the past months on the topic of parasitic worm infections; discussion about expected changes in the EU organic legislation.
- UNIPG, AIAB: 2nd online meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 1st December 2020. Audience: organic farmers, advisers, feed companies, veterinarians and stakeholders. Results: Discussion about how to include all the topic discussed under the One Welfare concept umbrella; discuss the main levers identified by WP1; discuss performance indicators provided by WP7 in the questionnaire; choose and discuss important indicators included in the framework provided by WP3; start understanding which topics are of main interest for future experiments.
- INRAE: 2nd and 3rd online meetings of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 23rd October 2020. Morning – Audience: 12 farmers and stakeholders representing different low-input system (free-range, organic, Label Rouge), and 6 PPILOW partners. Results: discussion on the barriers to welfare and potential levers identified in WP1 with a focus on the experiments foreseen or run within the project. Afternoon – Audience: 13 farmers and stakeholders representing different low-input system (free-range, organic, Label Rouge), and 5 PPILOW partners. Results: discussion the PPILOW data collection framework based on the WP3.3 partners’ work.
- Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 2nd online meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 21st October 2020. Audience: 9 (farmers and others). Results: Feedback to barriers and levers, discussion of collection of economic data, update of experimental work in PPILOW.
- UNIPG, AIAB, SlowFood/VSF: 1st online meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 20th July 2020. Audience: 13 (representing consumers, advisers of production organizations, feed companies, veterinarians, organic egg producers, organic broiler producers, organic specialized retailers, caterings, certifier in the organic sector). Results: feedback about the main obstacles about animal welfare and levers.
- BioForum: 1st meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 9th March 2020 in Geel and Pittem (Belgium). Audience: 35 (farmers, feed producers, veterinarians, researchers). Results: discussion of most important welfare issues, discussion of welfare app.
- Thuenen (both TI-OL and TI-BW): 1st meeting of the German PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 25th February 2020 in Westerau (Germany). Audience: 11 (farmers and others). Results: information about PPILOW, discussion about dual-purpose chicken genotypes, feedback for developers of EBENE app.
- UU: 1st meeting of the Dutch PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 18th February 2020 in Utrecht (The Netherlands). Audience: 5 (professionals from the poultry sector: vet, egg trading company, researcher). Results: validation of the tool for welfare assessment in laying hens.
- AU: 1st meeting of the Danish PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 18th February 2020 in Foulum (Denmark). Audience: 10 (Poultry professionals being organic egg producers, a feed company (DLG), an egg packaging company (DanÆg), an advisory institution (SEGES) and a company that breeds and sells organic pullets and organic broilers (TopÆg). Results: introduction to the NPG layer group under PPILOW. Opinions on issues and levers for welfare improvement in organic or outdoor poultry farms and on poultry welfare self-assessment tool was discussed.
- ACTA (ITAB and ITAVI), INRAE, SYSAAF, YNCREA HDS: 1st meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 12th February 2020 in Angers (France). Audience: 17 (Poultry professionals, association members and PPILOW partners). Results: opinions on issues and levers for welfare improvement in organic or outdoor poultry farms and on poultry welfare self-assessment tool.

1st meeting of the French PPILOW NPG
- CRA-W: 6th meeting of the Belgian (Wallonia) PPILOW National Practitioner Group in Gembloux on 29th May 2024 (Belgium). Audience: 9 (advisors, researchers, veterinarians, and sector representatives). Results: presentation and discussion about the results of online surveys about alternatives to piglet castration without anesthesia.
- ITAB, INRAE and IFIP: last meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 16th and 17th May 2024 in Combourg (France). Audience: 15 (farmers and others). Results: Tour of the farm with focus on genetics and outdoor rearing; presentation on the trials using Vanggaard’s huts in Italy, Belgium and France; presentation of the results of the trials in Romania on parasitism, feedback on participants on their PPILOW experience.
- CRA-W: 5th meeting of the Belgian (Wallonia) PPILOW National Practitioner Group in Maffe on 14th May 2024 (Belgium). Audience: 11 (farmers, scientific community, advisors, representative of the pork breeders, citizen associations). Results: presentation of the specificities of pig feeding and the possibility of farm feeds in Wallonia.
- USAMV: 5th meeting of the Romanian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 11th – 12th April 2024 in Satu-Mare and Maramures counties (Romania). Audience: 23 (farmers and representatives, veterinarians and consultants/advisors, associations, researchers). Results: Improving the robustness of piglets against parasitic and bacterial infections; Facilitation by NPG Romania of the implementation of innovations on pig farms; Romanian biosecurity policies on small scale/organic/extensive pig farms. Visiting a small farm, with pigs, raised in a low-input system, Baia-Mare area.
- ITAB, IFIP and INRAE: meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 16th May 2023 in Limoges and online (France). Presentation: “Utilisation des fourrages dans l’alimentation des porcs : exemple dupâturage”. Audience: 15 (organic farmers and representatives, researchers, animal welfare association, advisors, stakeholders of the production and supply chain). Results : Follow up on the Vanggard’s huts trials in France, follow up on the entire males pigs trials in France, presentation on the first results from Romania on plants used again parasitism, presentation of the PIGLOW app, presentation of the results from the French project VALORAGE on pig grazing, farm visit on pig grazing and managing pigs outside.
- CRA-W and BioForum: joint meeting of the Belgian (Wallonia and Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 21st December 2022. Audience: 7 in Wallonia (farmers, scientific community, food producer, advisor) and 10 in Flanders (farmers, feeding company, researcher). Results: discussion about how the producer approaches the “One Welfare” concept with a reference to the desk card method; presentation of the current legislative state around castration in Belgium; presentation about research about intact boars; discussion about the difficulties due to feed price and about the fermentation testing.
- USAMV: 4th meeting of the Romanian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 14th May 2022 in Blaj, Alba County (Romania). Audience: 12 (farmers and representatives, veterinarians and consultants/advisors, associations, researchers). Results: Current results on bacteriome, parasitic and immunological profiles in pigs, from low-input farms, in the Transylvania area”, research from WP6.3. Evaluation of the welfare of pigs, with the PIGLOW application, in the pig low-input farm, with Bazna animals. Participation of NPG Romania members in PPILOW NPG deck card method. Visiting a small low-input farm, with Bazna pigs, raised in a “free range” system, Blaj area.
- AIAB: 5th online meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 9th May 2024. Audience: 10 (farmers, researchers, veterinarians, advisors, consumers). Results: Full updates on the results of the PPILOW experiments and on-farm trials. Economic impact of the selected practices, presentation and discussion on the development of business models and collection of feedbacks; Further discussion of the MCA and Deck Card Method results; Presentation of the PPILOW study on the issues of reconciling biosecurity and animal welfare in organic pig outdoor production systems.
- ITAB, IFIP and INRAE: meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 24th October 2022 in Poitiers and online (France). Audience: 20 (organic farmers and representatives, researchers, animal welfare association, specialized retailer). Presentation: “Elevage de porcs mâles non castrés”. Results: about the latest advances on the project and the French project Farinelli on experiments dedicated to alternatives to castration, and to genetic selection to decrease neonatal mortality. French farmers testing Vanggaard’s huts also presented the first results on their farms.
- ITAB: 2nd online meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 5th July 2022. Audience: 8 (Production representatives, animal welfare association, advisors, specialized retailer, researchers). Results: presentation of a hut trial to the group and involvement of NPG partners in classifying criteria for multicriteria assessment (Task 3.3 –Task 7.1/7.2).
- CRA-W, INRAE: 4th online meeting of the Belgian (Wallonia) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 8th March 2022. Audience: 13 (considering 6 participants online) (farmers, production chain and retail, scientific community, policy makers, citizen associations). Results: presentation of the progresses made by the project, also on the online survey carried on the pig castration in April and May 2020. Presentation from Céline Tallet from INRAE about pain in pigs (mechanisms, causes and expressions of pain) and alternatives to castration, followed by an open discussion.
- AIAB: 4th meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group in La Valletta Brianza on 16th and 17th November 2021 (Italy). Audience: 10 (farmers, researchers, veterinarians, advisors, consumers). Results: Update on the PPILOW project, presentation and discussion on the Multi-Criteria Analysis and implementation of the deck cards method. Presentation of the first experiments results and collection of feedbacks to the researchers, data collection framework and selection of the practices/farmers for farm implementation. Discussion on the possibilities of avoiding castration in the Italian organic pig production system. Tour of the farm.
- USAMV: 3rd online meeting of the Romanian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 28th October 2021. Audience: 13 (farmers, consultants and technicians, associations, Certification Body, Food Industry, researchers). Results: “Presentation of results on bacterioma, parasitic and immunological profiles in pigs raised in free-range farms in the Transylvania area”, research from WP6.3.” Strategical choices adopted: dissemination of the PPILOW project information in the swine farmer community; identification and contacting farmers from free-range and low input farms; considering inclusion of other members from connected field of importance.
- BioForum: 3rd online meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 24th September 2021. Audience: 16 (5 farmers, 3 feed producers, 1 advisor + 5 researchers and 2 policy). Results: roundtable about fermented feed, other researches done, new organic regulations, etc.
- CRA-W: 3rd online meeting of the Belgian (Wallonia) PPILOW National Practitioner Group in September 2021. Audience: 8 (considering 3 participants online) (farmers, production chain and retail, scientific community, policy makers, citizen associations). Results: feedback on the PPILOW project progress and on the participation of the Walloon pig NPG to the French pig NPG. Presentation of the study conducted in CRA-W about new free farrowing crate adapted for organic production. The experiment was done in a commercial farm and we invited the farmer to share his experience and discuss it with the group.
- AU, VANGAARD, INRAE: online meeting in France of PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 22nd June 2021. Audience: 24 (industry, policy makers, customers and researchers). Results: workshop, power point and video film on outdoor pig rearing facilities (French with UK subtext translation).
- BioForum: 2nd online meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 16th December 2020. Audience: 7 (3 farmers, 1 advisor, and 3 scientists). Results: presentation of the project updates, including an overview of the animal welfare issues and levers identified in T1.1, and discussion about castration and about the results of a Flemish project on piglet feeding.
- AIAB: 3rd online meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 15th December 2020. Audience: organic farmers, veterinaries and advisors, organic farming associations, researcher, production chain. Results: Discussion on main issues and levers in the pig production systems. Experiments on alternative to antibiotics (plants and plant extracts). Presentation of experiments to reduce mortality of piglets in outdoor organic production systems, and of alternative proteins feed and the use of Camelina feed cake. Presentation of the OK-Net Ecofeed project.
- CRA-W: 2nd online meeting of the Belgian (Wallonia) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 10th December 2020. Audience: 7 (3 farmers + 4 scientific community, policy makers, citizen associations). Results: discussion about castration in pigs, explanation of the sustainability framework and collection of opinion.
- ITAB: 1st online meeting of the French PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 10th December 2020. Audience: 18 (organic farmers and representatives, animal welfare association, advisors, stakeholders of the production value chain, certifying body, researchers). Results: Reminder of the objectives of the PPILOW project and definition of animal welfare (AW); Selection of barriers to AW following the initial work of the PPILOW project; Discussion on some levers of interest to improve the AW; Link to PPILOW’s current and future experimental work.
- AIAB: 2nd online meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 4th December 2020. Audience: 20 (organic farmers, veterinaries and advisors, organic farming associations, researcher, production chain). Results: Presentation of the main issues and levers in the pig organic production systems. Experiments on alternative to antibiotics (plants and plant extracts). Presentation of experiments to reduce mortality of piglets in outdoor organic production systems. Presentation of alternative proteins feed and the use of Camelina feed cake. Implementation of outdoor areas for pig animal welfare.
- USAMV: 2nd online meeting of the Romanian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 6th November 2020. Audience: 14 (policy makers, consultants and technicians, associations, Certification Body, farmers).Results: Preliminary results on bacteriome, parasitic and immunological profiles in free-range swine in Transylvania area WP6 Task 6.3: Investigation of various plants’ potential to improve the swine welfare, in different age categories by use of plant extracts to improve immunity and antibacterial protection and to limit parasitic infestations; Obtainment of a fodder additive including the selected, most efficient plants to improve welfare, health and productions.
- AIAB: 1st online meeting of the Italian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 28th July 2020. Audience: 8 (organic free range pig breeder, certification body, veterinary, advisor, researcher of local institute, production chain). Results: Presentation of the PPILOW project and discussion about issues related to access to land and to appropriate breeds for extensive systems.
- USAMV: 1st meeting of the Romanian PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 6th March 2020 in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Audience: 16 (decision makers from the pork food chain, animal and environment protection, professional in raising swine, farmers). Results: points of view on possibilities and levers to improve animal health and welfare in low input or outdoor pig farms; opinions on pig welfare self-assessment tool; potential legislative levers for welfare improvement.
- CRA-W: 1st meeting of the Belgian (Wallonia) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 10th February 2020 in Gembloux (Belgium). Audience: 15 (scientific community, industry, civil society, policy makers). Results: presentation of the PPILOW project and creation of a group of practitioners meeting twice a year all along the project duration. Participants gave feedback on specific activities and topics of the PPILOW project, thereby contributing to the adequacy between PPILOW activities and the production chain expectations.
- BioForum, ILVO: 1st meeting of the Belgian (Flanders) PPILOW National Practitioner Group on 15th January 2020 in Ruiselede (Belgium). Audience: 20 (farmers, feed producers, veterinarians, researchers). Results: discussion of most important welfare issues, discussion of welfare app.

1st meeting of the Romanian PPILOW NPG