NPGs meetings – by Martina Re (AIAB)

Last year, the COVID-19 restrictions were a big challenge for all NPGs since live meetings (the core NPG activity) could not take place. This has been challenging especially because it was the first year of the project. Even now, it remains unclear when the NPG members will be allowed to come together and it is very likely that this timing will vary among different countries. However, NPG facilitators have adapted their strategy and NPG meetings and discussions were organized online. By now, all facilitators have organized at least one NPG meeting. Most NPGs had a second meeting in the end of 2020 or the beginning of this year. Also, the agenda for next year has been developed based on the needs of the NPGs and of the other WPs. In 2021, there will be a strong interaction between WP3 and the NPGs to give feedback on the levers and the indicators to define typical farm systems. WP4 will share the first results of the chicken experiments with the poultry NPGs while poultry NPG in France, Denmark and Germany will be involved in the experiments with the dual-purpose genotypes in Task 5.2. If the involvement of the NPGs is requested in other PPILOW tasks or if somebody wants to share information with the NPGs, please let us know as soon as possible!