PPILOW partners presented the latest results at EAAP meeting in Lyon, France!
– by Anne Collin
The European Federation of Animal Science (the PPILOW partner EAAP) organized in late August and early September in Lyon (France) its annual meeting with a particular session (#62) dedicated to PPILOW topic “Poultry and pig Low-input and organic production system’s welfare”. This session was co-chaired by The Pig/Poultry Commission (Gürbüz Daş) and the Health and Welfare Commission (Mirjam Holinger) with a co-chair by the PPILOW coordination (Anne Collin). After a Keynote lecture presented by INRAE on the barriers to welfare and levers for improvement in organic and low-input outdoor pig and poultry farms, six communications from PPILOW partners were mixed with communications from external scientists for favouring knowledge exchange on the target topic. In particular, PPILOW partners presented the project outputs on range use by broilers (INRAE), on the use of dual-purpose breeds for avoiding the culling of layer male chicks on the technical (Thuenen Institute and ITAB) and economic (LUKE and Thuenen Institute) points of view, on intact male pigs welfare in organic farming and the associated pork quality (INRAE), on breeding for piglet survival (INRAE), and finally on animal welfare assessments comparing scientists and free-range pig farmers assessments with the PIGLOW app (ILVO). These communications can be accessed on the PPILOW website.