PPILOW workshop within Bioland Poultry Conference 2024!

Bioland Poultry Conference will be held from 27 to 29 February 2024 in Bonn, Germany. The motto of this year’s exciting three-day programme is “Turning appreciation back into added value”. The conference will be opened by Prof. Dr Gerold Rahmann, who will look back 20 years on the basis of his presentation at the 2004 Bioland Poultry Conference, but will also venture a look ahead to the next 20 years and show us where the journey can take us. On the second day – after a keynote speech on the topic of market overview eggs and poultry meat – the parallel blocks “PPILOW”, “Circular Economy” and “Animal Health” will offer informative insights and food for thought. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to accompany one of the excursions on offer. At the end, the entire Bioland poultry advisory service will sum up the past days and summarise the lecture blocks and excursions. Dr Amelie Michalke will then speak about the true price of food and how this can influence the market and trade. As every year, the panel discussion will conclude the conference.
The PPILOW workshop will be held on February 28 with the following speakers:
1. “Dual-purpose chickens – Results of the on-station trial, the practical application and the economic evaluation of certain dual-purpose chickens in the EU project PPILOW” – Helen Pluschke         (Thünen Institute of Organic Farming) and Petra Thobe (Thünen Institute of Farm Economics)
2. “Improvement of the range use of broilers” – Claire Bonnefous (INRAE, Université de Tours)
3. “Range use and raptor losses of chicken in systems including hedgerows and short-rotation plantations” – Severin Hübner (Research Associate at the Thünen Institute, “Bruderweide” project)
4. “Early measures to prevent feather pecking and reduce anxiety in laying hens” – Saskia Kliphuis (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University) – connected online
5. “Worm infestation in laying hens – Alternative solutions for an old problem” – Rikke Brødsgaard Kjærup (Inst. for Husdyr- og Veterinærvidenskab Aarhus Universitet). The lecture will be held in English and translated.
Don’t miss this interesting workshop!