WP2: The first meetings on the multi – actor groups
WP2: The first meetings on the multi – actor groups – by Martina Re (AIAB)
The WP2 has organized the first meeting of the facilitators of PPILOW’s National Practitioners Group (NPG) in Amsterdam (NL) from the 12th to the 13th of November 2019. During this meeting we discussed about how to facilitate our national groups (both for poultry and pigs), which actors need to be involved, which information and issues we need to address in our future meetings and how to report them.
The aim is to involve about 15 to 20 persons per NPG, some of them will be part of the core group for the 5 years of the project, while other actors will change depending on the topic discussed.
Subsequently each facilitator has contacted different stakeholders, in order to better represent the production chain from farmers to consumers and citizens.
During the first NPG meetings, each group has explored the most important topics concerning animal welfare in organic and outdoor production systems. Almost all countries have carried out the first NPG meeting, except Italy because of the Coronavirus emergency. The PIGLOW and EBENE applications, aiming at enabling pig and poultry welfare self-assessments, respectively, by farmers and advisers, have been presented and first feedback have been given on indicators to select by the NPGs.