

Straw bedding in the covered veranda can contribute to successful housing of laying hens in mobile houses

Koen Riep and Jeroen Imholz are two veterinary MSc students at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Supervised by Saskia Kliphuis, they are investigating the effects of extra litter material in the covered veranda on plumage condition, foot pad lesions and fearfulness in laying hens housed in mobile houses.

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The PPILOW project meets the Organic Farm Knowledge Platform

Organic and low-input outdoor production systems require specific expertise and animal welfare is no exception: this has been at the basis of PPILOW project and of the advanced experimental results and set of practices selected by the National Practitioners’ Groups (NPGs).

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PPILOW Danish Workshop on “Free-range keeping of sows”!

As part of the PPILOW project, a mix of farmers, NGO/policy makers, researchers and private companies participated in the PPILOW workshop held in Denmark April 2024.

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Webseries videos!

One of the PPILOW project activities has been to create a web series of 10 episodes. The last five videos have been published.

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PPILOW National Practitioners Groups (NPGs) meetings 2024: innovation and knowledge exchange accomplished!

In the final year of the project all National Practitioners Groups (NPGs) were actively involved in the presentation of the outcomes of the project and participated in the dissemination activities.

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PPILOW Final Conference!

The PPILOW (Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production System’s Welfare) final conference, organized by EAAP, INRAE and INRAE Transfert, was organized in Tervuren on the 11th afternoon and 12th of June to present the main achievements of the project thanks to its multiactor approach over 5 years.

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Here it is! After five years of PPILOW project with the consortium facing dramatic sanitary and economic events, we enjoy the progress made together with all the practitioners involved.

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PPILOW Webseries 9th Video!

This new video of the PPILOW project focuses on Vanggaard farrowing ‘s hut and piglet welfare. Enjoy this nice video!  

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AIAB Technical day!

On May 29th, the PPILOW Technical Day dedicated to organic poultry farming was held at the Pulicaro farm in Acquapendente, Italy. The meeting opened with a presentation of the PPILOW project, the One Welfare approach, the experiments conducted in the partner countries and the EBENE animal welfare self-assessment app. Experiments on on-farm hatching attracted interest […]

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PPILOW Webseries 8th Video!

This new video of the PPILOW project focuses on dual purpose chicken breeds able to produce eggs and meat and the interest to rear both sexes. Enjoy this nice video!  

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