PPILOW Romanian National Workshop
The PPILOW Romanian National Workshop entitled “Phytotherapeutic remedies used in swine low input farms, their antiparasitic and antibacterial efficacy” was held on September 15th 2023.
The 10th PPILOW newsletter is now available!
Enjoy your reading here!
PPILOW Italian National Workshop
The PPILOW Italian Workshop entitled ‘Organic poultry farming without synthetic products: a challenge to catch’ was held on May 31st Rome and led by AIAB in partnership with the University of Perugia.
Coming events
List of the upcoming events with PPILOW project partners attendance.
PhD thesis in PPILOW project
One great success of the PPILOW project is the defence of several PhD theses, with students working on innovative practices for improving the welfare of poultry and pigs in low-input outdoor and organic farms. You will find below short summaries of the theses already achieved or planned in PPILOW.
PPILOW scientific publications
PPILOW scientific publications: discover here six news publications.
Presentation video of the Vanggaard farrowing hut for outdoor pig production
Vanggaard Staldmontage ApS is a small Danish company with more than 25 years of experience in setting up stable equipment, feed systems, water, silos etc. within the conventional pig sector.
PPILOW dissemination activities: news from Italy
In 2024, the dissemination activities of the main exploitable results of the PPILOW project have been led by AIAB with the active participation of all the Italian partners of the Consortium (Veterinarians without Borders,, SlowFood, University of Perugia) and a large number of stakeholders.
Straw bedding in the covered veranda can contribute to successful housing of laying hens in mobile houses
Koen Riep and Jeroen Imholz are two veterinary MSc students at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Supervised by Saskia Kliphuis, they are investigating the effects of extra litter material in the covered veranda on plumage condition, foot pad lesions and fearfulness in laying hens housed in mobile houses.
The PPILOW project meets the Organic Farm Knowledge Platform
Organic and low-input outdoor production systems require specific expertise and animal welfare is no exception: this has been at the basis of PPILOW project and of the advanced experimental results and set of practices selected by the National Practitioners’ Groups (NPGs).