7.2 – Business models

The economic impact of the different strategies of improvement (e.g., Novel Dual-purpose genotypes, on-farm hatching, comparison of breeds and range use) were assessed by utilizing results from consumer surveys (WP 1) and field evaluations on real and experimental farms (e.g. of dual offspring introduction in the system organization) obtained from WP1, WP5 and WP6 as well as quantitative data applied to production costs calculations. Based on standardized tools (indicators) developed in WP3 and the exchange with farmers and stakeholders (Poultry NPGs in WP2), the economic model has been developed following the “agri benchmark” methodology (www.agribenchmark.org) by Thünen Institute. For the model, the expected costs and benefits of the developed strategies of improvement were assessed and a price and profit margin was derived. Business models were developed to show the impact on the overall production chain identifying new market opportunities to offset the additional costs of adopting animal welfare practices.