- Visit and training of a VSF (SlowFood) technician to 3 pig farms and cured meat producers in Meduno (Italy, 28th August 2024). Oral communication.
- Visit and training of a SlowFood technician to a pig farm in Berchidda, Sardinia (Italy, 6th August 2024). Oral communication.
- Visit and training of a VSF (SlowFood) technician to a bio extensive pig farm to evaluate the reintroduction of pigs after African Swine Fever in Genoa (Italy, 2nd and 3rd June 2024). Oral communication.
- Visit and training of a VSF (SlowFood) technician to a poultry farm of the Romagnola Breed Presidium in Poggio Torriana (Italy, 27th June 2024). Oral communication.
- Visit and training of a SlowFood technician to 9 pig farmers of the Suino Sardo Presidium in different villages in Sardinia (Italy, 24th – 26th June 2024). Oral communication.
- Visit and training of Slow Food and VSF technicians to 5 poultry farms in in Romagna region (Italy, 28th – 30th May 2024). Oral communication.
- Visit and training of VSF technicians to 4 pig farms of future Slow Food Presidia in Stigliano, Marsicovetere, Francavilla e Montesano (Italy, 19th – 23rd May 2024). Oral communication.
- Visit and training of Slow Food and VSF technicians to 2 pig farms of the Slow Food Susianella in Viterbo (Italy, 16th – 17th April 2024). Oral communication.
- Seminar on early poultry management levers in Wageningen (The Netherlands, 21st May 2024). Presentations: 1) “Green light during incubation: effects on hatching characteristics in brown and white laying hens” (UU); 2) “New strategies to improve welfare of low-input outdoor and organic laying hens” (UU); 3) “Effects of early life strategies and free-range enrichment on the behaviour and welfare of hens” (ILVO); 4) “Effects of on-farm hatching on performance, adaptive capacity, and animal welfare of slow-growing broiler chickens” (INRAE); 5) “Effect of thermal manipulation during incubation of slower-growing broiler chickens on chick quality and later life behaviour and resilience” (ILVO). Video of the seminar. For the program click here.
- ITAB Training session for students on rearing pigs outdoor in Rennes (France, 18th April 2024). presentations: 1) “Les souches de volailles à double fin : késako?”; 2) “L’élevage de porcs plein air”.
- 15ème Journées de la recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes a Foie Gras in Tours (France, 20th – 21st March 2024). Presentations: 1) “Management et bien-etre en système de production alternatifs de volailles – Apports du projet européen PPILOW” (ITAVI, INRAE); 2) “Utilisation du parcourse en lien avec les performances, le bien-etre et la santé de quatre souches de poulet elevé en AB” (INRAE); 3) “Caracterisation de trois souches a double fin en système biologique comme alternative a l’elimination des poussins” (INRAE); 4) “Phénotypage à haut débit pour caractériser le comportement d’utilisation du parcours chez trois souches de poulets” (INRAE, JUNIA).
- INRAE made an oral communications in Poultry and Pig French National Research Days for stakeholders within Journées de la Recherche Porcine in Saint-Malo (France, 6th February 2024). Title: “Effets du type génétique sur le bien-être et la qualité de la viande de porcs mâles non castrés en élevage biologique”
- SlowFood Training “Animal farming and permaculture” in Bra (Italy, 17th September 2023). Oral communication.
- Journée régionale 7 ans de recherche et expérimentation en agriculture biologique en Pays de la Loire in La Pommeraye (France, 7th February 2023). Presentation: “Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production systems’ Welfare” (ITAB, SYSAAF, INRAE)
- Workshop – Castration of male pigs (Online, 21st December 2022). INRAE presentation: “Research studies on intact boars: Strategies to prevent undesired behaviours in intact male pigs and to avoid boar taint in the end-products”.
- Webinar “Alternatives à l’élimination des poussins mâles de la filière ponte”(online, 22th November 2022). INRAE and CNRS presentation : “Les défis de l’ovosexage précoce”.
- Organization of a Workshop at the World Poultry Congress 2022 with practitioners in Paris (Fance, 7th – 11th August 2022). INRAE presentation: Poultry welfare in low-input outdoor production systems: the PPILOW project”.
- ITAVI and INRAE made a presentation during an online training: “Evaluation du bien-être des volailles en élevage et en station expérimentale. Exemple de la méthode EBENE” (7th October 2021).
- INRAE and AIAB organised the workshop with practioners within the Organic World Congress in Rennes (France, 6th – 10th September 2021) entitled: “How to improve poultry and pig welfare in organic production systems?” .Three presentations made by PPILOW partners: 1) “The multi-actor PPILOW European project: a participative approach to co-build innovations for welfare improvement in organic pig and poultry farms”; 2) “Interactive demonstration of the functionalities of a welfare self-assessment tool for improving animal welfare on-farm in organic and outdoor systems”; 3) “Organic pig and poultry production: what are the animal welfare challenges”.
- Face-to-face training (Romania, December 2020). USAVM Presentation: “Digestive microbiome and parasites’ control in autochthonous swine breeds in low input systems by use of plant-derived products”.