

  1. Visit and training of a VSF (SlowFood) technician to 3 pig farms and cured meat producers in Meduno (Italy, 28th August 2024). Oral communication.
  2. Visit and training of a SlowFood technician to a pig farm in Berchidda, Sardinia (Italy, 6th August 2024). Oral communication.
  3. Visit and training of a VSF (SlowFood) technician to a bio extensive pig farm to evaluate the reintroduction of pigs after African Swine Fever in Genoa (Italy, 2nd and 3rd June 2024). Oral communication.
  4. Visit and training of a VSF (SlowFood) technician to a poultry farm of the Romagnola Breed Presidium in Poggio Torriana (Italy, 27th June 2024). Oral communication.
  5. Visit and training of a SlowFood technician to 9 pig farmers of the Suino Sardo Presidium in different villages in Sardinia (Italy, 24th – 26th June 2024). Oral communication.
  6. Visit and training of Slow Food and VSF technicians to 5 poultry farms in in Romagna region (Italy, 28th – 30th May 2024). Oral communication.
  7. Visit and training of VSF technicians to 4 pig farms of future Slow Food Presidia in Stigliano, Marsicovetere, Francavilla e Montesano (Italy, 19th – 23rd May 2024). Oral communication.
  8. Visit and training of Slow Food and VSF technicians to 2 pig farms of the Slow Food Susianella in Viterbo (Italy, 16th – 17th April 2024). Oral communication.
  9. Seminar on early poultry management levers in Wageningen (The Netherlands, 21st May 2024). Presentations: 1) “Green light during incubation: effects on hatching characteristics in brown and white laying hens” (UU); 2) “New strategies to improve welfare of low-input outdoor and organic laying hens” (UU); 3) “Effects of early life strategies and free-range enrichment on the behaviour and welfare of hens” (ILVO); 4) “Effects of on-farm hatching on performance, adaptive capacity, and animal welfare of slow-growing broiler chickens” (INRAE); 5) “Effect of thermal manipulation during incubation of slower-growing broiler chickens on chick quality and later life behaviour and resilience” (ILVO). Video of the seminar. For the program click here.
  10. ITAB Training session for students on rearing pigs outdoor in Rennes (France, 18th April 2024). presentations: 1) “Les souches de volailles à double fin : késako?”; 2) “L’élevage de porcs plein air”.
  11. 15ème Journées de la recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes a Foie Gras in Tours (France, 20th – 21st March 2024). Presentations: 1) “Management et bien-etre en système de production alternatifs de volailles – Apports du projet européen PPILOW” (ITAVI, INRAE); 2) “Utilisation du parcourse en lien avec les performances, le bien-etre et la santé de quatre souches de poulet elevé en AB” (INRAE); 3) “Caracterisation de trois souches a double fin en système biologique comme alternative a l’elimination des poussins” (INRAE); 4) “Phénotypage à haut débit pour caractériser le comportement d’utilisation du parcours chez trois souches de poulets” (INRAE, JUNIA).
  12. INRAE made an oral communications in Poultry and Pig French National Research Days for stakeholders within Journées de la Recherche Porcine in Saint-Malo (France, 6th February 2024). Title: “Effets du type génétique sur le bien-être et la qualité de la viande de porcs mâles non castrés en élevage biologique


  1. SlowFood Training “Animal farming and permaculture” in Bra (Italy, 17th September 2023). Oral communication.
  2. Journée régionale 7 ans de recherche et expérimentation en agriculture biologique en Pays de la Loire in La Pommeraye (France, 7th February 2023). Presentation: “Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production systems’ Welfare” (ITAB, SYSAAF, INRAE)


  1. Workshop – Castration of male pigs (Online, 21st December 2022). INRAE presentation: “Research studies on intact boars: Strategies to prevent undesired behaviours in intact male pigs and to avoid boar taint in the end-products”.
  2. Webinar “Alternatives à l’élimination des poussins mâles de la filière ponte”(online, 22th November 2022). INRAE and CNRS presentation : “Les défis de l’ovosexage précoce”.
  3. Organization of a Workshop at the World Poultry Congress 2022 with practitioners in Paris (Fance, 7th – 11th August 2022). INRAE presentation: Poultry welfare in low-input outdoor production systems: the PPILOW project”.


  1. ITAVI and INRAE made a presentation during an online training: “Evaluation du bien-être des volailles en élevage et en station expérimentale. Exemple de la méthode EBENE” (7th October 2021).
  2. INRAE and AIAB organised the workshop with practioners within the Organic World Congress in Rennes  (France, 6th – 10th September 2021) entitled: “How to improve poultry and pig welfare in organic production systems? .Three presentations made by PPILOW partners: 1) “The multi-actor PPILOW European project: a participative approach to co-build innovations for welfare improvement in organic pig and poultry farms”; 2) “Interactive demonstration of the functionalities of a welfare self-assessment tool for improving animal welfare on-farm in organic and outdoor systems”; 3) “Organic pig and poultry production: what are the animal welfare challenges”.


  1. Face-to-face training (Romania, December 2020). USAVM Presentation: “Digestive microbiome and parasites’ control in autochthonous swine breeds in low input systems by use of plant-derived products”.