
PPILOW representatives will attend numerous conferences, workshops, and fairs; during these events, the latest project developments, progresses and results will be presented to the audience.


    1. German Veterinary Association meeting in Hannover (Germany, 28th November 2024). Thuenen presentation: “EU Horizon 2020 Projekt PPILOW Zweinutzungshühner: Ergebnisse des Stationsversuches, des Praxiseinsatzes sowie einer ökonomischen Bewertung”.
    2. 75th EAAP 2024 conference in Florence (Italy, 1st – 5th September 2024). Presentations: 1) “Multiperformance of slow-growing and dual-purpose strains in organic chicken production: learning from the PPILOW project” (INRAE); 2) “Slow and local or fast and global – examining business opportunities to advance good welfare practices in organic and outdoor farming” (LUKE); 3) “How dual-purpose is dual-purpose? The balancing act between fattening and laying performance: An index to describe dual-purpose poultry” (Thuenen); 4) “An index for adaptability evaluation of slow-growing chicken genotypes reared in free-range system” (UNIPG) ); 5) “Update on the use of slow-growing chicken genotypes for conventional and alternative farming systems in the EU” (UNIPG); 6) “Application of Quality of Life approach to evaluate the behavior of four slow-growing chicken genotypes reared in free-range system” (UNIPG). Poster: “The PIGLOW app for welfare assessments by free-range and organic farmers: effects on pig welfare and opinions of farmers” (ILVO).
    3. 9th International Conference on the Welfare Assessment of Animals at Farm Level (WAFL) in Florence (Italy, 30th – 31st August 2024). Presentation: “A class practical to make vet students reconsider their health-biased view on farm animal welfare” (ILVO); 2) “Towards Co-Produced Policy Frameworks to enhance animal health and welfare in organic, extensive and small-scale pig and poultry farming system” (SlowFood – VSF); 3) “Assessment of welfare in pigs with docked and undocked tails from post-weaning to slaughter” (SlowFood – VSF). Poster: “Breeding for a better survival of piglets in organic farming: consequences on maternal cortisol and neonate metabolic status” (INRAE).
    4. 14th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology in Wroclaw (Poland, 26th – 30th August 2024). USAMV posters: 1) “Calendula officinalis and Satureja hortensis, effective natural remedies for treating digestive parasitosis in pigs (Sus scrofa ssp.domesticus)”; 2) “Effective natural remedies for treating digestive parasitosis in pigs”.
    5. XVI European Poultry Conference in Valencia (Spain, 24th – 28th June 2024). Presentations: 1) “Sexual dimorphism during egg incubation and development of ovo-sexing methods” (INRAE); 2) “Effect of thermal manipulation of slower-growing broiler chickens on chick quality and physiology” (WU, INRAE); 3) “Relationships between range use, performances as well as health and welfare related traits in four strains of organic broilers?” (INRAE, SYSAAF, JUNIA, UNIPG). Poster: “Alternatives to the elimination of male chicks – Profitability of dual purpose chickens in organic production” (Thuenen).
    6. CRA-W webinar “Scanner ses cochons pour objectiver leur bien-être via l’application PIGLOW” (5th June 2024). Presentations: 1) “L’application smartphone pour objective le bien-etre des cochons” (CRA-W); 2) “PIGLOW: Development and on farm testing of an app for welfare self-assessments of pigs” (ILVO). Video Webinar YouTube.
    7. Conference Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu-Siseşti in Bucarest (Romania, 30th May 2024). USAMV presentation: “Control of endoparasites in pigs from autochthonous breeds raised in low-input systems, by using some medicinal and aromatic plants from Romania’s flora”.
    8. Webinar – One welfare: Animal welfare in organic poultry and pig farming (27th May 2024). AIAB presentation: “One Welfare: il benessere animale nell’allevamento biologico di avicoli e suini”.
    9. 53rd Colloque de la Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal (SFECA) in Albi (France, 24th – 25th May 2024). INRAE presentation: “The free-range broiler chickens as model to study animal behaviour and cognition”.
    10. 24th EAAP Webinar “Impact of poultry-related European projects” (16th May 2024). INRAE presentation: “Innovations for improving welfare in low-input outdoor and organic pig and poultry farms”. Program.
    11. PPILOW Poultry Seminar in Melle (Belgium, 16th May 2024). ILVO presentation: “Potentieel van incubatie en opfokstrategieën bij vrije uitloop vleeskippen en leghennen”.
    12. The 10th International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESMAP-10) in Istanbul (Turkey, 25th – 27th April 2024). USAMV presentation: “Are medical plants infuential on potentially zoonotic bacteriome in swine?”
    13. Etelä-Pohjanmaan Eläinlääketieteellisen tutkimuksen ryhmä meeting with local food stakeholders in Seinäjoki (Finland, 20th March 2024). Presentation: “Animal welfare related research at Luke”.
    14. 17 Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau in Gießen (Germany, 5th – 8th March 2024). Thuenen presentation: “Das Zweinutzungshuhn in der Praxis: Wirtschaftliche Effizienz von Bruderhähnen eines neuen Genotyps in Deutschland”. Thuenen poster: “Das Zweinutzungshuhn in der Praxis: Mastleistung von Bruderhähnen eines neuen Genotyps in Frankreich und Deutschland”. This poster won the award “groundbreaking research”.



  1. IEEE CAMA 2023 in Genoa (Italy, 15th – 17th November 2023) JUNIA, CNRS and INRAE presentation: “Non-invasive microwave dielectric spectroscopy for biological characterization and healthcare applications: Importance of a differential approach”.
  2. ADAMEP Seminar in Tours (France, 6th November 2023). INRAE presentation: “Phénotypage à haut débit pour caractériser le comportement d’utilisation du parcours des poulets de chair”.
  3. 21st International Conference “Life Sciences for Sustainable Development” in Cluj Napoca (Romania, 27th – 29th September 2023). USAMV poster: “In vivo assessment of the antiparasitic effects of allium sativum L. and Artemisia L. against digestive parasites in swine”.
  4. 19th National Pharmacy Congress in Cluj Napoca (Romania, 27th – 29th September 2023). USAMV presentations: 1) “Satureja hortensis and Calendula officinalis, two Romanian plants with in vivo antiparasitic potential against digestive parasites of swine”; 2) “A taxonomy based evaluation of in vitro cell-mediated immune effects of alcoholic plant extracts in pigs from a low-input farm”.
  5. 14th CHEESE Conference in Bra (Italy, 15th – 18th September 2023). SlowFood organised a conference on the dangers for animal welfare of pigs on extensive farms due to the spread of African Swine Fever and its containment regulations.
  6. XXII Congress of the World Veterinary Poultry Association in Verona (Italy, 4 – 8 September 2023). AU poster: “The effect of garlic (Allium sativum) and black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) on worm load and gut health in Ascaridia galli infected laying hens”.
  7. XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists 2023 (EAAE) in Rennes (France, 1st September 2023). LUKE presentation: “Quantitative Ex Ante Assessment of Animal Welfare Practices: Challenges and Solutions”. Thuenen poster: “Is there Hope for Broiler Farms in West Africa to be Competitive with those in Europe”.
  8. 74th EAAP-WAAP-Interbull 2023 conference in Lyon (France, 26th August – 1st September 2023). Presentations: 1) “Range use relationship with welfare and performance indicators in four organic broilers strains” (INRAE, UNIPG, SYSAAF, JUNIA); 2) “Welfare barriers and levers for improvement in organic and low-input outdoor pig and poultry production systems” (INRAE, LUKE and other PPILOW partners); 3) “Animal welfare and pork quality of intact male pigs in organic farming according to genotype” (INRAE); 4) “Poultry production: Using dual-purpose genotypes to reduce the culling of day-old male chicks?” (LUKE, Thuenen and other PPILOW partners); 5) “Case Study of a newly-developed genotype for dual purpose rearing of male chicks” (ITAB, Thuenen and other PPILOW partners); 6) “Large White genetics in organic system: breeding for piglet survival” (INRAE); 7) “Comparing animal welfare assessments by researchers and free-range pig farmers with the PIGLOW app” (ILVO); 8) “How can poultry farming systems evolve to meet the major societal and environmental challenges?” (Thuenen). Poster: “How does broiler range use impact forage intake, outdoor excretion and gaseous emissions?” (INRAE and SYSAAF).
  9. URSI GASS 2023 in Sapporo (Japan, 19th – 26th August 2023). CNRS and INRAE presentation: “Interests of Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy for biological characterizations”.
  10. Agri benchmark Poultry Conference in Braunschweig (Germany, 26th – 29th June 2023). THUENEN presentation: “Broiler production in Germany – future development?”.
  11. European Symposium on Poultry Welfare 2023 in Prague (Czech Republic, 26th – 29th June 2023) Presentations: “Barriers and levers to enhance laying hen welfare in low-input and organic farming – a supply chain survey” (UU); 2) “On-farm hatching can improve welfare, chicks quality, breast yield and daily body weight gain” (ITAVI). Posters: 1) “Poultry sector’s opinion on welfare measures” (UU); 2) “Range use relationship with welfare and performance indicators in four organic broilers strain” (INRAE and JUNIA).
  12. ASPA2023 in Bari (Italy, 13th -16th June 2023). UNIPG presentations: 1) “Application of the Healthy Fatty Index to discriminate the meat nutritional quality of different slow-growing chickens”; 2) “Assessment of muscle metabolism in differently kinetic chicken genotypes using the Activity Index”.
  13. ISSESAH2023 in Helsinki (Finland, 13th June 2023). LUKE presentations: “Do consumer and farmer preferences on measures to enhance animal health and welfare coincide? Results from two surveys in 9 European countries”.
  14. Workshop – How to evaluate welfare in insect farming? in Tours (France, 26th May 2023). INRAE presentation: “How to evaluate welfare in studies? Project H2020 PPILOW”.
  15. Conference Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Gheorghe Ionescu-Siseşti in Bucarest (Romania, 25th May 2023). USAMV presentation: “The Prevalence of digestive parasites of pigs in smallholders from Hârtibaciu Valley, Sibiu County, Romania”.
  16. WPSA – World Poultry Science Association, Meeting of Working group 1: Economy and Marketing in Helsinki (Finland, 11th May 2023). THUENEN presentation: “Country report Germany – Actual development”.
  17. 16th Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau in Frick (Germany, 7th -10th March 2023). Thuenen presentation: “Mastleistung von 10, 12 und 16 Wo. alten Zweinutzungshähnen unterschiedlicher Leistungsprofile”.
  18. Joint ArMoR cluster event – “The latest insights and solutions from research and industry for fighting AMR in daily animal husbandry practice” in Wageningen (The Netherlands, 16th February 2023). PPILOW partners poster: “The latest insights and solutions from research and industry for fighting AMR in daily animal husbandry practice”.
  19. Hyvinvointia kotieläintiloille – uusimpia tuloksia EU-hankkeista-seminaariSarka-messut  in Seinäjoki (Finland, 27th January 2023) LUKE presentation: “Eläinten hyvinvoinnin parantamisen haasteet, mahdollisuudet ja kustannukset luomu sika- ja siipikarjatiloilla”.


  1. Participation to Joint online meeting of the CDG ANIMAL PRODUCTS (Section Pigmeat) and the CMO EXPERT GROUP (Section Animal Products) EUROPEAN PIGMEAT REFLECTION GROUP, 5th Meeting, European Commission – DG Agriculture and Rural Development (21st November 2022). INRAE and ILVO presentation:  “H2020 Projects on Animal Welfare: PPILOW “Innovations improving welfare in low input and organic pig and poultry farms”. Introducing the aWISH project: Animal Welfare indicators at the Slaughter House.
  2. National autumn scientific conference of AOSR (Academy of scientists) 2022 in Cluj-Napoca (Romania, 3rd -5th November 2022). USAMV posters: 1) “In vivo assessment of the antiparasitic effects of Allium sativum and Artemisia absinthium against gastrointestinal parasites in swine, from low-input farms, in NW of Romania”; 2) “Parasitic infections in domestic animals from roma communitys, Romania”.
  3. The 8th International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESMAP-8) in İzmir (Turkey, 20th – 22nd October 2022). USAMV presentations: a) “The potential of alcoholic plant extracts to control pathobionts of swine on a low input farm”; 2) “Effects of A. Absithium supplemented feed on the specific cell-mediated response in pigs from a low input farm”.
  4. EuMC2022 conference in Milan (Italy, 25 -30 September 2022). CNRS and INRAE presentation: “Millifluidic Sensor Designed to Perform the Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy of Biological Liquids”.
  5. 27th Congress of The Nordic Association of Agricultural Sciences in Selfoss (Iceland, 29th September 2022). LUKE participation in a panel discussion on Future agricultures.
  6. Workshop ILVO-WUR-AARHUS in Melle (Belgium, 29th September 2022). ILVO presentation: “Agro-ecology @ ILVO”.
  7. Contactdag Pluimvee (FESTILVO) in Melle (Belgium, 16th September 2022). ILVO presentation: “Beïnvloeden opfok en inrichting van de uitloop het welzijn en uitloopgedrag van leghennen?”.
  8. The 21st International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development in Cluj Napoca (Romania, 15th – 17th September 2022). USAMV poster: “Prevalence of swine digestive parasites in two free range farms from Transylvania area”.
  9. Meeting Dutch Government in Melle (Belgium, 7th September 2022). ILVO presentation: “Biological research @ ILVO”.
  10. EAAP2022 conference in Porto (Portugal, 5th – 9th September 2022). Presentations: 1) “Innovations improving welfare in low inout and organic pig and poultry farm, the PPILOW project” (INRAE and PPILOW consortium); 2) “Personality traits and exploratory behaviour of free-range slow-growing broilers” (INRAE, SYSSAF, JUNIA); 3) “Consumer views on animal welfare and organic and low-input farming: Results from a European survey” (LUKE and PPILOW partners); 4) “Animal welfare in broilers free-range and organic system: economic implicatin at farm level” (Thuenen, AIAB, INRAE, LUKE).
  11. ISAE 2022 conference in Ohrid (North Macedonia, 4th – 8th September 2022) UU presentation: “Light and larvae for layers: early-life interventions to prevent feather pecking in laying hens” . AU poster: “Dealing with the challenge of early-life piglet hypothermia during the keeping of outdoor farrowing sows”.
  12. Meeting of the World Poultry Science Association in Bad Sassendorf (Germany, 17th -18th August 2022) Thuenen presentation: “Practical test of fattening poultry husbandry, workshop of the poultry industry”.
  13. World Poultry Congress 2022 in Paris and online (France, 7th – 11th August 2022). Organisation of PPILOW session: “Poultry welfare in low-input outdoor production systems: the PPILOW project” (INRAE). Presentations: 1) EV ILVO, UU, ACTA, INRAE “Opinions of organic and free-range broiler farmers on animal welfare and the EBENE® app for animal welfare self-assessments”; 2) JUNIA, INRAE “Motivation for foraging behavior and feed place preference in free-range broiler chickens”; 3) UU: “Reducing the risk of feather pecking through light during incubation and live insect feeding during the rearing period of organic laying hens”; 4) Thuenen: “Laying hens – husbandry systems on different welfare levels”; 5) Thuenen: “On the road to dual purpose chickens for Europe – experiences from pullet rearing in Denmark and Germany”; 6) UNIPG: “Conversion efficiency of the main bioactive compounds (PUFA, tocols, carotenoids) in different commercial slow growing chicken genotypes extensively reared”; 7) UNIPG: “New insights in alternative and organic poultry production systems”; 8) UNIPG: “Evaluation of adaptability response, through a behavioral observation, of four different chicken genotypes reared in a free-range system”; 9) LUKE, HAU, INRAE, ACTA, AIAB, SlowFood, UU, JUNIA: “Low-input outdoor and organic poultry productions: how to improve animal welfare in these systems?”; 10) LUKE, HAU, INRAE, ACTA, USAMV, AIAB, SlowFood: “Perception and expectations of practitioners and citizens towards welfare in poultry low input outdoor and organic production systems”.
  14. WPSA – World Poultry Science Association, Meeting of Working group 1: Economy and Marketing in Paris (France, 8th August 2022). Thuenen presentation: “Country report Germany – Actual development”.
  15. Foire Agricole in Libramont (Belgium, 29th July – 1st August 2022). CRA-W poster: “PIGLOW: bien-etre des porcs plein air et/ou bio”.
  16. UFAW – Advancing Animal Welfare Science conference in Edinburgh (United Kingdom, 28th June 2022) UU poster: “Light and larvae for little layers”.
  17. Farmers discussion group dual-purpose hens in Wenum Wiesel (Netherlands, 24th June 2022). UU presentation: “Een multi-actor benadering voor het verbeteren van dierenwelzijn in vrije uitloop- en biologische systemen voor varkens en pluimvee”.
  18. Maataloustieteen päivät 2022 conference in Helsinki (Finland, 14th – 15th June 2022). LUKE presentations : 1) “Barriers and levers of enhancing animal welfare in organic and low-input outdoor production: Insights from a supply chain survey” ; 2) “Consumer expectations on animal welfare in organic and low-input outdoor production: Insights from a consumer survey”.
  19. Meeting of organic meat value chain stakeholders, online (6th June 2022). LUKE presentation: “Tuottajien ja kuluttajien näkemyksiä eläinten hyvinvointiin luomusika- ja siipikarjatuotannossa – tuloksia PPILOW-tutkimuksesta”.
  20. IFF Workshop, online (2nd June 2022). LUKE, UNIPG, ILVO, HAU, INRAE, ACTA, USAMV, AIAB, SlowFood, BioForum, UU, Thuenen, CRAW, AU, FEXP: “Understanding technical, ethical & socio-economic barriers and levers for improving poultry and pig welfare in low-input and organic farming systems”.
  21. Organization of a Networking event for all researchers of the Flemish Institute for Agricultural Research in Merelbeke (Belgium, 10th May 2022). BioForum presentation: “Rol in onderzoek”.
  22. 26th Bioland Geflügeltagung, on line conference (29th March 2022).Thuenen presentation: “Aufzucht von Junghennen von drei Zweinutzungsherkünften”.
  23. Luomuinstituutin kevätwebinaarit 2022 (25th March 2022) LUKE and PPILOW collaborators presentation: “Stakeholder and consumer views towards animal welfare-enhancing practices in organic pig and poultry production: insights from the PPILOW survey”.
  24. Bilateral Forum in the Korean/Danish project, online webinar (24th March 2022). AU presentation: “Nutritional interventions for reduced parasite load in organic chickens”.
  25. Brokerage event Tutkimuksella ja yhteistyöllä ratkaisuja kestävään tulevaisuuteen on line, (22nd March 2022). LUKE’s stakeholder event: “Tuotteistamalla lisäarvoa alkutuotantoon?.” Participation in a discussion session.
  26. Conference Le bien-être des porcs, du concept aux pratiques déployées ces dernières années in Namur and online (Belgium, 8th March 2022) organised by CRA-W.
  27. Organisation of a Study day “Le bien-être des porcs, du concept aux pratiques déployées ces dernières années” in Namur (Belgium, 8th March 2022) organised by CRA-W.
  28. Journées de la recherche porcine, online (1st February 2022). CRA-W presentation: “Performances et comportements dans des loges de mise bas avec truies en liberté adaptées à l’élevage biologique”.


  1. Conference in Bologna (Italy, 15th December 2021). UNIPG presentation: “Strategie innovative per favorire il benessere e la qualità di polli in estensivo: arricchimenti ambientali e tipo genetico”.
  2. ISAE Benelux meeting 2021, online (9th December 2021). Presentations: 1) “An ultra-wideband animal tracking system for monitoring range use by free-range poultry” (EV-ILVO); 2) “Dealing with the challenge of early-life piglet hypothermia during the keeping of outdoor farrowing sows” (AU).
  3. MESMAP 7 – International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Izmir (Turkey, 18th -20th November 2021). USAMV presentation: “Is In Vitro Plant Extracts’ Activity Conditioned by Phylogenetic Differences between Target Species?”.
  4. 10th meeting of the EU Animal Welfare Platform in Brussels and online (Belgium, 10th November 2021). INRAE presentation : “PPILOW: A multi-actor approach for improving animal welfare in poultry and pig low input outdoor and organic production systems”.
  5. 31st European congress of AI VETS in Poitiers (France, 20th – 22nd October 2021). INRAE presentation: Improving piglet survival under organic condition”.
  6. EMOP 21 – The 13th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology in Belgrade (Serbia, 12th – 16th October 2021). USAMV presentation: 1) “Trichinosis in Romania: updates regarding Trichinella spp. infections in wild animal species”. USAMV poster: “The effects of Allium sativum, Artemisia absinthium L., Cucurbita pepo, Coriandrum sativum, Satureja hortensis L. and Calendula officinalis on the embryogenesis of Ascaris suum eggs during an experimental (in vitro) study” .
  7. Les rendez-vous INRAE online (7th October 2021).  ITAVI presentation: “Evaluation du bien-être des volailles en élevage et en station expérimentale. Exemple de la méthode EBENE”.
  8. 13th CHEESE Conference in Bra (Italy, 17th – 20th September 2021). SLOWFOOD fair with final debate.
  9. One Welfare World Conference, on line (15th – 16th September 2021): UNIPG, LUKE, HAU, INRAE, ACTA, USAMV, AIAB, SlowFood, BioForum, UU, Thuenen, CRAW, FEXP, AU, Vanggaard, JUNIA, SYSAAF, WU, ILVO, EAAP, CNRS, Circular Organics: “PPILOW: innovations for improving animal welfare and human well-being in low-input outdoor and organic poultry and pig production systems”.
  10. Les rendez-vous INRAE au SPACE Rennes in Rennes (France, 15th September 2021). INRAE and LUKE presentation: “Bien-être animal en élevage avicole biologique: quels leviers d’amélioration? – Santé et Bien-être des animaux en élevage biologique”.
  11. 7th EVIW Conference, online conference (29th – 31st August 2021). AU presented a poster: “Effect of fermented rapeseed meal and seaweed on immunoprofiles in layers infected with Ascaridia galli”.
  12. WAFL Conference, online conference (16th – 19th August 2021). ILVO, ACTA, INRAE, UU presentation: “Opinions of organic and free-range pig farmers on animal welfare and the PIGLOW app for animal welfare self-assessments”.
  13. XVI European Association of Agricultural Economist (EAAE), virtual congress (20th – 23rd July 2021). Presentation : 1) “Review of European Pig and Poultry Poduction Systems and Marketing Labels Elaborating Animal Welfare” (LUKE); 2) “Laying Hens’ Husbandry Systems on Different Animal Welfare Levels” (Thuenen).
  14. UFAW 2021, online conference (29th – 30th June 2021) ILVO, ITAVI, INRAE, IFIP, JUNIA, UU presentation: “The PIGLOW and EBENE apps for welfare self-assessments of pigs and chickens in organic and outdoor systems”.
  15. LUKE promoted the project during an online pitch event (24th June 2021).
  16. Agriculture for life, life for agriculture Conference in Bucarest (Romania, 3rd – 5th June 2021). USAMV made a presentation: “Detection of Trichinella spiralis larvae in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) using artificial digestion and a microfluidic device, a comparative study” and presented a poster: “Co-infections with gastrointestinal parasites in a free-range swine farm from the Transylvania area”.
  17. SFECA 50th meeting in Marseille (France, 31st May – 1st June 2021). INRAE and JUNIA poster: “Where is the free food? Contrafreeloading and food place preference extinction in free-range broiler chickens”.
  18. Académie d’agriculture de France in Paris (France, 26th May 2021). INRAE presentation: “Fin de l’élimination des poussins mâles : où en est-on dans la mise au point des méthodes de sexage in ovo et des autres alternatives”.
  19. Multidisciplinary Conference on Sustainable Development in Timisoara (Romania, 10th – 21st May 2021). USAMV presented two posters: 1) “The effects of allium sativum and artemisia absinthiuml. on the sporulation of eimeria ssp. oocysts during an experimental (in vitro) study”; 2) “The effects of artemisia absinthium and allium sativum on trichinella spiralis and trichinella britovi larvae during an experimental (in vitro) study”.
  20. “Proffat Familla” Webinar (5th May 2021). LUKE presentation: “Tuotantoeläinten hyvinvointi kiinnostaa sekä kuluttajaa että tuottajaa”
  21. WPSA online (15th – 16th April 2021). FEXP presentation: “Lacto-fermented rapeseed meal additive: a nutritional intervention to reduce Campylobacter jejuni colonisation and improve performance in broilers”.
  22. Webinar Makupaloja Luonnonvarakeskuksen tutkimus- ja kehittämistyöstä – Miten tuottajat ja yritykset voivat hyödyntää Luonnonvarakeskuksen palveluita? on line (26 March 2021). LUKE presentation: “Eläinten hyvinvointia markkinalähtöisesti”.
  23. Exhibition “Chickens in extensive system” (18 March 2021). UNIPG participation.
  24. The EU animal welfare labelling subgroup’s meeting, online (9th February 2021). LUKE presentation: “Consumer views to animal welfare and animal welfare labelling”.
  25. 53e Journées de la Recherche Porcine, online conference (1st – 4th February 2021). CRA-W presented a poster: “Perception of alternatives to piglet castration by the pig sector in Wallonia”.


  1. Journée Technique Inter-filière du SYSAAF, online (9th December 2020). SYSAAF, AU, INRAE, Thuenen, ITAB presentation: “A la recherche d’une génétique à double fin en réponse à un questionnement éthique”.
  2. Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions, online conference (4th December 2020). AIAB presentation: “PPILOW primi risultati”.
  3. Meeting of the ‘Animal Welfare’ subgroup of the Collaborative working group Animal health and welfare of SCAR (EC), online (12th November 2020). INRAE, EV ILVO, ACTA (ITAVI) presentation: “Overview of the PPILOW project and tools developed for animal welfare self-assessment”.
  4. ISAE Benelux Meeting 2020, online conference (3rd November 2020). UU presentation: “Black Soldier Fly larvae as enrichment for layer chicks: a pilot”.
  5. 6th International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESMAP-6), in Selçuk (Ephesus) Izmir (Turkey, 15th -16th October 2020). USAMV presentation: “In vitro age dependent cell-mediated responses to antimicrobial plant extracts in free range mangalitza pigs”.
  6. 19th International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development in Cluj-Napoca (Romania, 24th -25th September 2020). USAMV presentations: 1) “Swine parasitic profile from a free-range in the Transylvania area”; 2) “Skin bacteriomeand its resistance to antibiotics in free range pigs”; 3) “Antiparasitic action of lactobacillus casei and lactobacillus bulgaricus strain in CD-1 mice experimentally infected with trichinellaspp” . Moreover two posters were presented: 1) “Bactericidal capacity of serum in pigs subsequent to hipopphae rhamnoidestreatment”; 2)  “Swine parasitic profile from a free-range farm in the Transylvania area”.
  7. Seminar of German and French Ministries for Food and Agriculture held in Berlin (Germany, 13th January 2020). INRAE presentation “Alternative to the culling of male day-old chicks of layer lines”.


  1. Conference Organic Innovation Daysin Brussels (Belgium, 3rd – 4th December 2019). ILVO represented PPILOW Consortium.
  2. Défis PHASE in Rennes (France, 6th – 8thNovember 2019). INRAE presented PPILOW project.  Moreover, a poster was presented.
  3. Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions in Cremona (Italy, 28th-30th October 2019). AIAB presentation: “Benessere animale nei sistemi produttivi ovicoli e suinicoli a basso input e biologici” during the Workshop “The challenge of organic farming for sustainable livestock”.
  4. XXXIII Euragri Conference 2019 in Melle and Ghent (Belgium, 22nd -24st September 2019). Slowfood made an oral presentation: “Activism, philosophy, ideals and the right way to produce knowledge”. INRAE and ILVO presented a flyer: “PPILOW: Poultry and Pig Low input and Organic production systems’ Welfare”.
  5. Tech&Bio 2019 in Bourg-Lès-Valence (France, 18th -19st September 2019). AIAB, INRAE and ITAB presented leaflets and posters.